Pilates Barrel
The Pilates Barrel was created to stretch and align the spine using the curved surfaces to work through extension and flexion for some serious core conditioning.
Pilates Barrel Teacher Training: All Populations
We love how the pilates barrel feels on our spines but the ab exercises and oblique movements are something else! Our Teacher Training will take you through the repertoire in detail.
What’s included:
2 days practical training in a luxury boutique pilates studio
An equipment and materials starter kit for your new role as a pilates barrel teacher
Next Barrels Course:
Coming Soon…
Cater towards a wider range of client demographic, add variety to your classes and increase your job opportunities by training with us on this amazing piece of equipment. Register your interest now.
Pilates Barrel Teacher Training: Advanced
We love how the tier 4 and 5 exercises stimulate and challenge our clients. Our advanced teacher training will take you through the repertoire in detail. We have no courses set yet but register your interest now.