We believe that everyone has the right to do a job that they love and we are not blind to the fact that the path to a career in wellbeing is not accessible for everyone.
So, we are thrilled to announce our first ever sponsored Teacher Training Opportunity.
We are offering one free place on a 4 day Mat Pilates course in Manchester on November 7th-10th 2024.
This opportunity is aimed at empowering individuals who face barriers to accessing such training, with the goal of helping them bring Pilates to more communities.
To apply, send us an email by the end of the day Wednesday 23rd October answering the following 8 application questions:-
1. Personal Information:
Full Name
Contact Information (Email/Phone)
Location (City/Town)
Date of Birth
2. Income Information:
Are you currently receiving any benefits or income-related support? (Yes/No)
If yes, please specify.
Are you currently employed? (Yes/No)
If yes, is your income below the UK living wage? (Yes/No)
3. Tell Us About You:
Please tell us a bit about yourself, your background, and why you would like to train as a Pilates teacher.
4. Community Focus:
How do you plan to use this Pilates teacher training to support underserved communities?
Which communities do you currently work with, or plan to work with, after completing the training?
5. Barriers to Access:
What barriers have you faced that have prevented you from accessing professional fitness training or other opportunities? (Please tick all that apply)
Ethnic minority background
LGBTQIA+ identity
Disability or long-term health condition
Carer responsibilities
Low income
Other (please specify):
6. Commitment to Training:
Are you able to attend all four days of the training in Manchester? (Yes/No)
If selected, are you committed to completing the training and delivering Pilates in underserved communities? (Yes/No)
7. Previous Experience:
Do you have any previous experience in Pilates, fitness, or working with communities? (Experience is not required, but feel free to share anything relevant)
If yes, please provide a brief description of your experience.
8. Why Should You Be Selected?
In your own words, why do you think you are the right person for this opportunity?